Why is an Asset Management System important?

We’ve learned that many communities do not know exactly what signs and traffic-related assets they have, or their current condition. As a result, they make important decisions without having all the information they need. We call this the Dumb Asset Trap™. When you fall into this trap, you end up with higher-than-necessary operating costs, experience more traffic injuries & fatalities and ultimately, your community’s reputation and image can deteriorate.

Smart Sign Program

Smart Sign Program

ATS Traffic’s Consulting Division – IntelliTrafik – is proud to offer REFLEKTARTM – our Smart Sign Asset Management Program that allows you to better manage your sign inventory and other traffic assets. All desired inventory classes (traffic signs, posts, roadway, guardrail, culverts, pavement markings, etc.) are mapped, virtually tagged, and digitally managed to our cloud-based asset management software program. Vehicle mounted LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is used to identify and assign attributes/characteristics to assets. Other methods of data collection exist (data import/on foot) and amalgamation of data from various sources is possible.

REFLEKTARTM Asset Management Platform

Download the App

Smart Sign Program Members will be shipped Smart Signs to add into their existing inventory. Sign attributes/elements will be programmed into the signs identity (sticker) on our warehouse floor and will be added to REFLEKTARTM – our leading edge, cloud-based, world class asset management platform.


Download the REFLEKTARTM App

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Sign Management

Take the hassle out of managing your sign inventory with ATS Traffic. Track inventory, report on sign placement and condition, create a budget for ongoing sign management, and more.

Learn more