Data Insights Mean Every Decision is an Informed Decision

Traffic data collection is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights about traffic infrastructure, improve traffic systems, and identify specific flaws for the betterment of traffic safety. 

Collecting Traffic Data

ATS Traffic has the technological capabilities and expertise to gather data and convert it to an efficient traffic solution that will enhance your infrastructure. We have the knowledge and experience to give you exactly the traffic data you need.


  • Origin/Destination
  • Municipal Data Services
  • Traffic Volume Reports
  • Temporary Traffic Studies

Traffic Detection Capabilities

ATS Traffic can collect the data you need to inform your infrastructure decisions. 

Vehicle Counting

Traffic count data analysis is a useful tool. ATS Traffic carries vehicle counting products with a range of capabilities, including surface sensors, radar detectors, and video & LiDAR detectors. Traffic congestion data can be obtained through vehicle counting and serve well to reduce congestion of roadways with clear insights in traffic volume.

Vehicle Classification

Our vehicle classification products can identify certain types of vehicles or visitors. Whether it’s a car, motorcycle, bus, semi, cyclist, or pedestrian, we can tell you exactly how many are passing through a specific area. We carry a full range of classification devices that carry out effective traffic data services for public traffic data.

Speed Detection

Our driver feedback systems can detect and display vehicle speed, and smart systems can even store traffic data. Driver Feedback Signs are particularly useful in school zones and industrial areas, and serve the dual purposes of increasing road user awareness & safety and collecting traffic data. 

Height Detection

Drivers can’t always know in advance if their vehicle will clear a height like the bottom of a bridge or the top of a parkade. Our vehicle height detectors are placed before the entrance at the maximum safe height. If the vehicle is too high, the system will warn drivers in advance so they can find a better route.

Data Collection

ATS Traffic carries a wide range of data collection solutions. We can collect the data you need to make informed infrastructure decisions, improve road safety, and monitor trends. 

Overheight Vehicle Detection

Overheight detection can be deployed in applications such as bridges, tunnels, railroads, car carriers, and equipment yards.

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Radar Detection

Radar detectors are non-invasive, easy to install, and accurate.

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Surface Sensors

Surface sensors include temporary and permanent solutions for gathering traffic data. Inductive loops are placed in the pavement, while temporary sensors can be installed and removed easily with no damage to the road surface. 

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Video & LiDAR Detection

Road traffic video technology is a non-intrusive system that serves to detect the movement of identifiable entities that inhabit the road, which in return is used to generate informed decisions that can enhance safety measures, increase the efficiency of traffic flow, and manage deployed assets.

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Our Partners

ATS Traffic works with industry experts to determine the best fit to collect the data you need safely and effectively. Our partners are industry leaders with relevant knowledge and experience.